
Ballet is one of the most enigmatic and mysterious forms of art.

With the body movement, without saying a single word, dancers manage to demonstrate a full range of human emotions. One small step, waiving of a hand, bending of a torso fascinate millions of ballet followers around the world.

While watching a performance, audience completely abstract from the surrounding reality and surrenders to the contemplation of this amazing and incomparable duet – the unity of human body and music.

The Vaganova ballet system is a continuation and development of the traditions of the French, Italian and Russian schools, and is rightfully considered the best model of ballet technique in the world.

Designed by a Russian dancer and teacher Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova, Vaganova’s system played an important role in the development of ballet in the 20th century.

The achievement of the Vaganova’s system, ensuring its vitality and continuous development, is the scientifically substantiated sequence of the entire educational process: strict observance of the logical method of transitions from simple to complex, from specific to generalized – such as the principle of the progressive development of the student’s artistic consciousness and dance technique.

A. Vaganova in class. Credit: https://lermontovka-spb.ru/news/681

The basic principles of Vaganova’s method:

  • Meaningfulness of movements
  • Harmony of dance
  • Coordination
  • Development of strength, endurance and agility
  • Dancers individuality
  • Aplomb

Welcome to join our Ballet classes!

We accept students of all ages who are eager to learn and discover the beauty of dance in it’s purest form!


Cell Phone: 786-325-6503

Email: EdwinNavarroBallet@gmail.com

Welcome to visit our studio: 13720 Jetport Commerce Pkwy Suite 3, Fort Myers, FL 33913